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How To Keep Body Wave Hair Wavy How To Keep Body Wave Hair Wavy

   Discussion: How To Keep Body Wave Hair Wavy
ruiyu · 3 years, 10 months ago
Some women don’t want to wash the popular Body Wave Hair since they are afraid of the hair will become straight after washing. This is actually a wrong concept. Only keeping the body wave weave hair clean can make the body wave hair extensions in healthy and good condition. But you need to pay attention to the right washing method. After washing your Body Wave Wig, remember not to drying it with the high power hairdryer. Dry the moisture with a clean dry towel gently, be sure to keep in mind that your drying action can’t be rude because the hair cuticle is open after washing, it is easy to damage when you drying the hair rudely. Then let the natural black or blonde body wave hair dry in the air until there isn’t any water drop down, but the hair can’t dry completely, you should add some hair protection care oil on your Body Wave Bundles is 80% dry. During the process of applying the hair oil to your body wave hair, comb your hair with your finger gently from the top to the end, you don’t need too much hair oil, you just need moderate oil evenly spreading to your head and your body wave human hair. You can also make curls with your finger when you spreading the hair care oil. The final step is finishing your curls. Making the big curls with your hand when the body wave hair is wet, then let the hair air dry, but you should remember not to dry the hair with the wind, the wind will blow your body wave hair to straight. At this step, you can use a low power hairdryer to help you curl and dry the hair. But the low power hairdryer can’t be replaced by a high power hair dryer. Another important tip is don’t forget to give your short body wave hair, body wave long hair, and body wave transparent lace front wig a deep caring under the help of a professional hair salon. I hope you have found this guide useful. If you need any more help just let us know either by visit

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